

The three main goals of our Daomac Institute are: 1. To support and increase love and harmony in this world. Aloha! 2. To teach daoist knowledge and the methods of the Chinese Life Sciences in order to understand the natural world in which we humans live between Heaven and Earth. 3. To use this knowledge to contribute to the active creation of a better world for future generations. Our relationship with Master Niu and Annie from the Academia Asia begun in 2013 were I had the honor to come to learn directly from them their linages knowledge and use their outer alchemical recipes. Further more to bring the use of these formulas to my students all around the world and the people that need them for their own development or even healing. Mainly through my Daoist Institute Daomac me and my international team of master-students we provide teachings and consulting services to improve peoples better understanding of themselves and the world so that they can reach more success, health and joy in their lives. Can be in 心法Xinfa – Heart Mind methods application of Qi Men Dun Jia Techniques 奇門遁甲術 or in form of alchemical retreats using Masters Niu 外丹藥膏 combined with meditation practices and daoyin – qigong practices 導引術. In our institute Daomac we all welcome you heartily to take part in our courses and learn together these techniques treasure of ancient Chinese culture wisdom With all best regards! Dr. Alejandro Penataro 彭艾龍博士


Hello everyone! Dear new and old friends, here is a short presentation of my humble self and my life dedication. I am Dr. Alejandro Peñataro Sánchez 彭艾龍 博士, 80th Generation of the Huatuo Daoyin Linage 華佗門導引術 and 15th Generation Master of the alchemical daoist Linage Mao Shan 中國道家茅山丹道. Original from Spain, the academic background in Germany is Classical Chinese Studies Master degree in Heidelberg University and then several years of research and teaching at the Horst Görtz Institute of History, Theory and Ethics of Traditional Chinese Life Sciences, at the Medical University Charité, Berlin. I created the Virtual Institute Daomac to unify these essences of the best traditions with the excellence of academic research.



亞洲研究院自然醫學所、德國生命道學院彭艾龍博士(Alex),引導俄羅斯及烏克蘭學員學習生命科學課程,包含易經卦象、奇門遁甲、五禽戲及能量元素的使用,來喚醒身體覺知,提升整體能量,達身心靈的覺醒! Alex深諳中國文化,喜愛東方飲食,也熟悉台灣道地美味,帶著外國學員們品嚐道地的台灣味,享受珍貴的台灣靈性之旅。 相關連結:


應彭艾龍博士之邀請,昨晚在台中歌劇院,欣賞了佛朗明哥拉丁狂潮的演出,西班牙是個熱情的民族,整場熱鬧非凡,服裝造型華麗,腳上的踢踏步伐,強而有力,從頭到腳充滿濃濃的拉丁風情,最特別的是,Alex艾龍是主唱,他吉他自彈自唱貫穿全場,有著渾厚嗓音,聽著!身體也不由地跟著擺動,好像在慶祝嘉年華活動,這是一場熱情又迷人的音樂響宴! 范安妮 感恩&祝福 朱胤慈觀後記~ Alex真是多才多藝,除了自然醫學奇門遁甲外,居然彈了一手好吉他,歌喉也不賴,居然唱了台語歌「鼓聲若響」,哈。 是場歡樂的饗宴呀,不論是視覺或者聽覺。眼前盡是繁複的裙擺擺動,有節奏地拍手和舞者快速的踢踏,還有揮動手上的響板,很是令人佩服舞者的協調能力。長長的裙擺及地,踩著對我來說是天高的舞鞋,說實在,要是我來跳,怕不立刻踩到裙襬跌了狗吃屎。 到現場時,范老師驚訝著台中居然有這麼多佛朗明哥舞的觀眾。後來慢慢看出蹊蹺,現場多數都如我們是親友團。台上的那些女舞者們,頂著一臉濃妝和造型,在台上盡力地揮灑,隨著音樂盡情扭動著身軀,移動著自己的腳步,有幾個舞蹈更搭配扇子或者披肩,充滿了多重流動的色彩。 只能說,佛朗明哥舞真是爆炸難的啊!然後,舞台右側還有畫家現場作畫,舞跳完了畫也完成了,真是超級猛的! 這次表演者很多都是我們媽媽輩年紀的舞者,說真的非常佩服她們,有這樣的活力和毅力去練舞,為在場的我們,展現如許風華。還有Alex,說好了下次開個私人的音樂會,就可以一起放鬆地律動跳舞了~


德國自然醫學道學院院長彭艾隆博士(Dr. Alejandro Peñataro Sánchez)邀請夏威夷道學院學者Christoph與Margarete Bundschu於瑞士阿爾卑斯山舉辦一系列自然醫學課程,課程包含古典中國與夏威夷自然醫學的理論、實際應用及施作,內容多樣如Initiation to Daoyin Arts中國氣功五禽戲、Meditation冥想、Qi-Pearls/Alchemy passive energy replenishment能量元素使用與能量補給、氣功與自然對話;夏威夷Flying、Feather Circle Techniques、Huna(Hu=陽 Na=陰)、Kahuna Bodywork等,透過不同觀點找回身、心、自然的連結。 此外,彭艾隆博士(Dr. Alejandro Peñataro Sánchez)將於近期開課,主題為Success and Healing – Qi Men Dun Jia Mind-Heart Methods,講授「透過我命在我不在天-葛洪」、易經六十四卦心法、奇門遁甲與道家茅山 實際應用等,課程將闡述易經六十四卦象輔以奇門遁甲應用使學員了解The world is that what you perceive and how you perceive it世界即是心的投射、Mind-heart is the key of our connection to the universe等觀念。 課程時間: 10 Days course a 6 hours per day – Begin 11.00 Moscow Time - 9.00 AM Germany/ Spain 27.08.2018 till 31.08.2018 - First 5 days – General Introduction to Methodology 32 Hexagrams Combinations Nei Gua – Kan , Gen, Zhen, Xun 03.09.2018 till 07.09.2018 – Next 5 days First 5 days – 32 Hexagrams Combinations Nei Gua – Li , Kun, Dui, Qian Additional Commentaries to Methodology 講者: Dr. Alejandro Peñataro Sánchez 語言: English; also with Russian- translation available. 詳細課程資訊請參閱:
